Weekly Post #1

Posted on January 6, 2024

Happy New Year! 2024 1

2024 doodle

With new year comes new promises and resolutions to break, that we can talk about at the end of the year.

So without further ado I present to you my resolution I hope not to break for this year- Weekly posts. I have been sporadic with the posting and I figured having a weekly post would give more structure and pattern to making posts.

Year End break

I have had a kind of relaxed year end break, thanks to my toddler being semi-sick and maxed PTO accrual. Visited Yosemite just before start of the break and really enjoyed the wilderness. And couldn’t stop admiring the beauty of nature. A not talked about spot while you are in Yosemite is Hetch-Hetchy. Since we visited the friday just before Christmas, there weren’t too many people, it was serene.


Over the course of the break I did give a lot of thought to productivity apps. For a brief time tried Structured, TickTick, Fantastical, Agenda(might give it another go, more on it probably in its own post when that happens), Opal, onesecond. I was hoping that with few of these I would boost my productivity. But I ended up coming back to using the default notes+reminders+calendar.

While the apps pack a lot of promise and features. Beyond the initial excitement I found out the features aren’t something that I use often.

Something I am interested to try but won’t

Clicks for iPhone Founders Edition

I would like to give this product a try but that means the phone size gets bigger. I am not a large phone kind of guy. That is why I stick to iPhone Pro. If there is mini version that had the same camera and specs as the pro then that would be by go to.

Black and White

Start of new year I am digging minimalism and elegant themes i.e black and white.

Came back to using black and white theme on terminal, slack, Emacs, Google chrome, Safari pretty much everywhere I see an option to choose that combination.

IOS tip

To create a new line inside a table cell in the notes app, press shift and click next. This trick apparently works everywhere =) .

Internet map

Currently reading

Thinking, fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman

  1. I had #1 in the title but somehow hakyll decided to omit it from the title. So for now using -1 in the title. Something I would have to look into for next week. Was able to get it to work finally by enclosing the title with double quotes the nudge.↩︎