I got a planck rev 7 some time back, because I needed another planck now that I am commuting for work.
But none of the rev 7 offerings are of use to me at the moment, except probably for durable usb-c port. This got me thinking what the next version for planck should look like for me to get excited.
Here is what I would love to see:
Per key RGB 1
Bluetooth : only if it can provide Magic keyboard levels of battery life and connection stability, if not I am happy having it wired. 2
A Drop Alt keyboard kind of case.
For a brief time when I took a break from Planck I had tried the Alt keyboard. One thing I had come to like about it is the optional magnetic feet that you attaches to the bottom of the case(pretty strongly) if you want elevate the height of the keyboard. Recently I found myself in a situation where I wanted that on my planck. And inorder to achieve the inclination I rested the top half on my mac.
In the above figure, you would have 2 magnetic feet which you can choose to attach veritically or horizontally on both the sides.
Hotswap for rotary encoders.