Scary Fast prediction

Posted on October 28, 2023

We are 2 days away from Appleā€™s year end event. There was lot of confusion in the interweb around this event. Some suggesting it was cancelled this year and others being uncertain.

Nevertheless, it is happening!

These are my predictions or my hopes for the event.

  1. Apple pheripherals with USB-C.
  2. The Journal app reveal(unlikely but would like to see it be demoed on stage)
  3. I have been seeing rumors suggesting that Apple might be working on bringing back the 12inch Macbook. It would be a great (welcomed) surprise if they did unveil a 12 inch Macbook. I would instantly be on the list of people to get that Macbook.
  4. New iMacs with M2.
  5. New iPad mini with A18(would love M2) that now supports face id with XDR display.
  6. Successor to Airpods max.