Weekly Post #10

Posted on March 9, 2024

Macbook Air M3

Apple refreshed the Macbook Air with M3. Funny story I am wondering if I want to get it. My Thinkpad with 32G ram is kind of going really strong. No complaints! My only usecase for Macbook was airdropping and having my passwords,notes,reminders seamlessly sync across the devices. But it is hard to justify dropping $1699 just for that.

I have a MacbookPro M1 from office, and I feel that it is a bit of a nightmare to get dev. environments setup. This is truly where I feel Linux shines.

KDE Connect

Why is no one talking about KDE connect enough? Really!!! I am able to share files, pictures from my iphone to my linux laptop as smoothly as airdrop. There are other features that are still in works but it is really awesome. KDE connect has me wanting to give KDE another try and also give Android another try because it seems like KDE connect could have the continum features that I want(clipboard copy, file transfer, notifications).

Converting HEIC to JPG

Iphone doesn’t automatically convert it jpeg while sending so I received it in .heic format. Sure enough there is a command line utility for it. ImageMagick and required installing libheif library. A simple apt-get can fix that. # apt install libheif-examples imagemagick

And then running the following command converted the image from heic to jpg format. $ heif-convert ~/image.heic ~/image.jpg

Colemak kits

I am looking for some nice keycaps to rotate on planck and it is near impossible to find colemak GMK kits. And except GMK dots I don’t there are any options for blank/non-qwerty keycaps in GMK.

Google Calendar App

I can’t believe that there is no way to add a new calendar via google calendar app. I am using the default calendar app, and I installed Google Calendar app just to see if there was something that maybe I was missing by not checking it. Turns out I am only gaining by now using Google’s Calendar app.

I wanted to create a new calendar because I wanted to give Ali Abdaal’s ideal week method a go. But I couldn’t create a new calendar in my gmail calendar on Apple Calendar, so installed Google Calendar only to learn that if I wanted to create a new calendar it was possible only through the web and can’t be done using the app.

OverWatch 2

I tried to play overwatch 2 today on my laptop and got kicked out with a server connection timeout error. I am surely on the wrong side of the gaming Gods.

Kovai Cafe

After a long time, I had a good south Indian meals. I highly recommend trying this restaurant out if you are in the bay area. The saapadu menu for the day was: Okra kara kozhumbu, potato porial, pushnika kootu, chow chow moru kozhumbu, sambar, garlic rasam, curd, chapathi kurma, payasam, apalam, rice,curd.

Through the lens

Internet Heat Map

C/C++ and assembly, to a memory safe language when possible. Some examples of memory safe languages are Python, Java, C#, Go, Delphi/Object Pascal, Swift, Ruby, Rust, and Ada.