Utopia End of age and end of my journey
I started playing Utopia for old time’s sake some time back. And with the age coming to an end I might not continue.It isn’t the game that it once was mainly it suffers from the syndrome most online games suffer from - active players.
So long utopia…
Taking a break from CoC
It isn’t because of the new game that Supercell is about to release.
Impatience on the road
Bay area traffic is getting more and more dangerous! The symptom being people driving more than the posted speed limit which could perhaps be because of impatience.
My commute to work and back is ~1.5hours each way, and I have observed people weaving in and out, cutting cars just to get ahead of one car, speeding and breaking unnecessarily in a traffic ridden space, speeding when the traffic light turns yellow and alarmingly breaking over speeding the red light.
This is just a reminder for people who are driving sanely to not get influenced by these drivers and to always drive safe despite these inconveniences.
As a recent convert to Apple, I am locking myself into the Apple eco-system. I made that sound like it is a bad thing, well it is not.
But, the reason for me wanting to make it sound like a bad thing is because I feel fanaticsm causes a strong bias which could be barrier to good judgement.
In order to make sure I don’t let the bias creep in I do like to question my position with Apple and what it is like on the other side. So, recently I talked to a colleague who moved away from iphone to pixel. And he regretted the switch. The complaints were around how suddenly the launcher gets stuck and it becomes unusable.
Having these conversations serves as an affirmation that I am right to continue being happy in Apple’s eco-system.