Weekly Post 39

Posted on September 28, 2024

Atreus keyboard

I am intrigued by atreus keyboard but am also battling the urge to buy it. I am and have always been kind of a sucker for small keyboards. I think I am just better off with my magic keyboard.

Gotten used to minimal wires on my desk don’t want to clutter it by bringing in a mechanical keyboard. Things I tell myself to resist impulse buying. :)

Domains I owned

Just putting out there for fun and memory if at all I forget :P

  • abhixec.com
  • maudlinruminations.com (Also the title for this blog)

TWIL: Blogger is still alive? 🤯

For some reason I thought that blogger/blogspot was a thing of the past and that it was in the kill list of Google long time back.

But much to my surprise it is still there and I have seen some active bloggers still posting on that platform. Although active and alive, I highly doubt there is any effort or development happening to add or enhance the platform. The last post on blogger.googleblog.com was on May 20,2020.

Just like my.opera.com, I had couple of blogs on blogger and followed many of my blogspot blogs.


Has the halloween spirit started early? or is just me not noticing that they start this early (one and a half month before halloween).

T-Mobile 😤

It is time to switch, and undo the mistake of moving to T-mobile. I am having a really horrible experience with getting coverage and internet connectivity in places I frequent the most which is shops nearby. Yes in the heart of the city I don’t seem to have any luck getting mobile connectivity. I hardly get a bar on the cell connectivity and despite having the 5GUC icon on, the speeds are laughable. I can get a google search result going.

An underwhelming trip to Oakland zoo

A toddler in the house means, an opportunity to relive your childhood memories. Zoo is a common and low capital activity to keep the kids happy(I have a vague memory of enjoying watching animals in the zoo as child, or ateast I do now).

Last week we visited the oakland zoo, touted to be the best zoo in California. It could be the high expectation I set but we felt that San Diego and San francisco zoo were much better.

A couple of exhibits were closed and animals in display were also in limited number which made spotting them difficutlt.

One of the favorite animal - elephant, osh was the solo elephant on display and he is off to Tenesse as well. The only animal that was easy to spot and relatively larger number were the tower of giraffes. Other than that there were chimpanzees, camel, tortoise, alligator, sea otters, camel, lion, grey wolves, all of which very kind of hard to spot in their exhibits.

It could be the high expectations I had that our experience didn’t quite match it. There were still parts which went unexplored which probably warrants another visit before I completely dismiss it.

So far our favorite is the zoo in Portland. There were more number of each animal in display and the animals also looked more happy to us than the ones in Oakland.

Coding scars

Tell me you are coding in python without telling me you code in python.

Being a polygot programmer brings its own set of problems. And the one I am about to describe is kind of embarrassing to a degree.

First a snippet of python code:

def foo(name):
  if name == "arkoinad":
    result = f"Hi {name}"
    result = "Hello anonymous!"
  return result

if you run this method, you would either get “Hi arkoinad” or “hello anonymous”.

And while I was working with a rather simple piece of Javascript code which does something similar I did this

function foo(name){
  if(name === "arkoinad"){
    let result = `hi ${name}`;
	else {
    let result = "Hello anonymous!";
 return result

What do you think would be output if you tried to call this function?

Some how I tipped Javascript to kind of function similar to python in this regard but it behaved more like Java.

If you ran that you would get a reference error. So the embarrassing thing is not that I couldn’t write that piece of logic correctly(well that is but hey that comes with the territory of being a polygot) but the embarrassing thing was that I didn’t entertain the thought of scoping. Had I see that error in Java I would have been quick to say that I need to first declare it outside the block and then assign them inside. But somehow that never really crossed my mind and I was debugging along different lines.

The correct code is:

function foo(name){
  let result = undefined;
  if(name === "arkoinad"){
    result = `hi ${name}`;
	else {
    result = "Hello anonymous!";
 return result


  • Reading - Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal ( I placed a hold forgot to pick it up from the library, placed another hold and had to wait 3 weeks to start reading)

    feel good productivity
  • Watching:

    • Black Clover - After a long time coming back to anime with this series. Gives me a bit of Naruto vibes with this series.
    • CWC - Despite being below average from other seasons for historical ritual reasons I am watching this. This season they are trying really hard to entertain. It is reaching cringe territory entertainment.
    • Top cook dupe cook - entertaining and good. For future seasons might just watch this and drop CWC from the weekend ritual.
  • Playing:

    Nothing! I am in search of good games to play on nintendo switch/PS5.

Through the lens

Giraffe calf: I am not interested in posing for you human