Weekly Post 40

Posted on October 5, 2024

Dynamic Island + Live activities, 2 years later…

I upgraded from iphone 13 pro to iphone 14 pro, thanks to the dynamic island pitch during the Apple event.

2 years into it, I see resemblance of touch bar in it. Where not a lot of developers/apps have added a meaningful support for it. The same goes for live activities. It is really useful and nice but the caveat being when it works.

I have seen the best implementation of it in the structured app, but it did suffer from live activities not working in a reliable fashion. Sometimes the live activities from the event’s focus mode would persist and sometimes it would not appear. Which left me kind of frustrated 1 .

After seeing structured app implement the live activity, I have been looking for a nice calendar app that implemented the live activity to no resolve. I would love to see a toggle setting while creating events to enable live activity for calendar events. And to go little further perhaps adding the ability to tie focus mode to calendar event2.

Unfoldable Cap 🤔

Certainly not the target audience and possibly why I don’t get why it would be a big deal.

I enjoy wearing caps to keep the sun’s heat from frying my head but have never had the thought “Geez wouldn’t it be great if the cap didn’t fold”. And I am genuinely interested to know if cap lovers really have this thought.

Or if this is one of those cases where it is innovation for the sake of innovation.

Anyways the marketing caught me initially when I saw the ad on instagram. But as I paused and thought about it is I realized $49 on a unfoldable cap is a bit too exorbitant3.

Through the lens

Osh Elephant from Oakland zoo which is soon to join the herd in Tennesse

  1. Its been a while so I am not sure if this issue has been addressed by the developer.↩︎

  2. I have a shortcut to currently achieve this behavior.↩︎

  3. If you are curious, I am sporting a $10 cap from Goodfellow(Target’s clothing brand)↩︎