Weekly Post #6

Posted on February 10, 2024

Rain + Heavy Winds = Power

California saw a lot rain over the past weekend. As a result there were downed power lines in the neighborhood causing power disruption. Weekend spent in darkness. Thankfully though PGE were able to restore the lines just in time for bed time to get the heaters firing. But with the power lines the internet lines were also affected. My wife and I were joking about how it would have been better if instead of power if we had internet 😛.


Just the bookmark manager I have been looking for. I have been painstakingly creating the internet heatmap on the weekly posts. Copying and pasting the header and linking it in emacs’ markdown mode. The regulars that I had been using: raindrop, omnivore, and some of the other apps didn’t have the option to export the list in markdown mode. I did consider writing an emacs function to get the header for a link to make the process of adding links easier on myself.

And this is exactly where anybox shines, I am able to export the links in markdown mode. I am already considering getting the pro version as it is much cheaper than the alternatives that are out there for a bookmarking service priced at $15/year. Sadly my dreams came crushing down since I can’t use this outside of my personal devices(mainly work mac). And want to be able to add them. And just like bear I can’t use anybox. And so I am chugging along with notion.


Yet another static site generator but in Rust. Normally I would just ship on anything shinny that came across my way. But I am curbing my temptation bad. Because I promised myself Hakyll was my gateway to learning Haskell 1. I want to get good with Haskell and Hakyll to a point where I am able to work on things I want to see in Hakyll. As of now that thing is Shortcodes(something that I miss since I left hugo and something that is also attracting me to try Zola).

Is power brick really a big deal?

I read a review about the new one plus phone and towards end of the article there was this table of pros and cons of the phone. I was surprised to find that getting a power adapter in the package is a pro? Don’t get me wrong it is nice to not have to pay additional $30 for a fast charger brick(looking at you Apple) but I wouldn’t deem it be a pro. I think at this point everyone would have owned atleast a couple of phones that getting new power bricks is just going add to the clutter in shelf or a drawer. Atleast for me I already have enough power bricks and charging cables that the new ones are waiting in line for my current ones to wear off.

Things app

The most lauded app on the interweb, yet I find reminders more than sufficient. I bought this app earlier this week because why not? As a person striving to be more productive it seems fitting to try and use apps that everyone claims is life changing. After using it for a while I have come to conclusion that reminders is great for all my intended purposes.

Through the lens

Internet Map

  1. Although progress isn’t at the pace I want it to be.↩︎