Weekly Post 32

Posted on August 4, 2024

It is August already! Time flies…

Back to Youtube listening 🎧

I am back to consuming music on youtube. I was happy being on the free tier of spotify but as you might know you can’t listen to a particular song without paying for premium.

… and so I got back to listening on youtube. Of late, my ears want to tune into certain songs which spotify doesn’t afford me without having to listen to a bunch of other songs.

Spotify app keeps crashing - A weird way I got it to work

Spotify’s app started crashing for me. I opened the app after probably a month. So my initial impression was maybe I had to update the app . It is the case with many apps that when there is an update available the older version crash and close without a pop-up a.k.a developer not handling it correctly a.k.a developer laziness.

Since there was an update available, I thought maybe that was it, sadly that didn’t work. And before you go about thinking:

I tried that too!

Surprisingly (could be coincidence), right after opening the app and before it crashed on me I swiped up to expose all the open apps. Spotify hadn’t crashed yet, so I clicked spotify and that somehow fixed my problem 🤯.

If I was an iOS developer I would have been really tempted to understand why my solution worked but at the same time it would be really frustrating to reproduce this behavior because I really wouldn’t know what caused it to go into that state.

Sambar & Chutney

A fun fulled comedy series starring Yogi Babu. Enjoyed the series start to end. Simple story simply well taken.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Chess Corner

This is probably my fastest win without any pieces being traded.

TWIL - Handling image resizing in markdown with CSS

Using alt and CSS to handle image size in markdown.

![testtext](path/url to image)

and then adding this to css

img[alt=testext] {widht:200px; height:200px}

Currently Reading 📖

  • Deep Work by Cal Newport
  • Lincoln Highway by Amor Towels

Through the lens

A storm is coming or so I thought