Weekly Post 31

Posted on August 2, 2024

AirPods pro feature request

Already mentioned in Weekly post 20.

  1. It would be nice if the AirPods pro could connect/stay connected to a device based on proximity.

  2. Setting priority for devices, going further it would be great if the priority could be associated with focus modes.

For instance if I am in personal mode then it should stay connected to my macbook.

  1. Watch/fitness notification should come through the AirPods. I listen to Apple podcasts when I go on walks/exercise and noticed that the splits or fitness notifications still come through my Apple watch. It would be nice if it was unified.

Rumours of Foldable iPhone

There are rumours that Apple might be working on foldable phone (flip style). I would have been very excited had it been the book style foldable. But if the rumors are true I really hope that they have worked out the crease issue 🤞.

Finished TMNT:Shredder’s revenge

I finished the story mode playing as Donatello. Short and fun game. Woth the 15 I paid to get it on the Nintendo store. Liked more because of the nostalgia it bought back.

TWIL : To kill unresponsive ssh session (without incessantly clicking ctrl+c)

I spend time ssh-ing into machines. Up until now I have always been annoyed about how the ssh session hangs if I don’t interactive with for a long period or when I change networks/connect to VPN. CTL+C/D doesn’t do the job and I have always resorted to closing the terminal session and opening a new one.

I learned that ~. is the answer to killing an unresponsive/hung ssh session1.

~^Z to suspend the session.

Chess Corner

One move away from check mating my opponent but lost because of time

Through the lens

I was able to get amazing views of airplanes from the Rotary play garden in San Jose.

  1. SO post↩︎